Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fuck Everything. actual life is doing ohkay. My heart is another story. Let's not get into it. Maybe I should close it off for good until I know it's safe again. I'll end up going through a stage of doing whatever the fuck I want with anyone, my relationships won't be serious, and I might do something really stupid. But I really have no idea what else to do..

fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.
what the fuck is happening. Someone help? I don't know how you can help me, but I need fucking help. It's as if my life is falling apart right in front of my eyes and there isn't anything I can do about it..

Sunday out of ten: 4

1 comment:

  1. I've had many times in my life when I told myself I would put up a motherfucking wall that nobody would break past. Not my family, not my closest of friends. It never went so well for me. It either just tore me apart more or I caved in for my best friends and then considered myself a failure for caving and then gave up.

    I'm here to help you in any way if you need it, Daniel. I know we're not necessarily close friends, but I'm a great listener and I've been through a LOT of shit myself.

    I love you <3
