Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It won't let me comment, otherwise I would have been the first. "/
Anyhow, here goes.

your a pretty great friend. though sometimes i feel left out when you say stuff like you want to come over on sunday or whatever and you end up at kristinas. xP but the concerts shall make up for that. ;D your pretty much my best guy friend i have and i can tell you anything. i'm glad i have to you rant at and to get opinions on things from. thanks, without you i really don't think i could've made it this far. it's times like right now that i glad i met you and that were friends. thanks, really, for being their.

1 comment:

  1. Aha, you're my best guy friend too and I feel absolutely shitty when my day doesn't turn out the way it's supposed to, beecause I don't like letting people down. Especially my best friends. You're the only guy I can tell everything to, and I'm definitely sure it's going to stay that way. I just wish I could be better at making plans and sticking to them :/
